If you have been trying to fight uneven skin tone with layers of makeup, it is time to rethink. We all want naturally healthy and even skin, which does not need too much concealing. Healthy skin can be possible only when you manage your uneven skin tone the right way.
What is uneven skin tone?
The amount of melanin in your skin determines your skin tone. But when some parts of your face create more melanin than the others, the skin color in these areas varies. It can even cause the area around your mouth and eyes to look darker than the rest of your face, leading to an uneven skin tone.
Common Causes of Uneven Skin Tone
Uneven skin tone can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
- Sunlight
- Marks from breakouts
- Dry skin
- Aging
- Hormonal imbalances
- Wrong skincare products
Managing uneven skin tone with simple steps
Instead of using concealers and tinted moisturizers, you could make lifestyle changes, focus on your skincare routine to help manage your uneven skin tone. Here are some recommendations for you to follow and implement:
Cleanse Everyday
Skin experts are always emphasizing the importance of the cleansing step in skincare routines. Cleansing helps removes dead skin cells from your skin, as well as dirt, makeup residue, and excess oils. If dead skin cells build-up, it can lead to clogged pores and breakouts, leading to an uneven skin tone.
Using a mild cleanser and following up with a good moisturizer is the key to keeping your skin hydrated. Pick a moisturizer that focuses on repairing your skin’s barrier and preventing dehydration. When your skin barrier is healthy, it helps prevent water loss and low down the effects of bacteria. Following a good skincare routine can go a long way in attaining an even skin tone.
Use Topical Antioxidants
Antioxidants fight oxidative damage in your skin, which leads to age spots, sunspots, and uneven skin tone. Free radicals form when molecules in our skin lose electrons. Antioxidants lend electrons to help stabilize free radicals and prevent skin damage. To achieve an even skin tone, you can incorporate antioxidants into your routine with serums, as well as topical retinol serums that contain antioxidants.
Use A Sunscreen
Sun is the biggest offender when it comes to causes of uneven skin tone. Sun damage ranges from dark spots to tan to fine lines and skin cancer in some extreme cases. Most dermatologists and skincare experts recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen during all seasons of the year to protect yourself from sun damage. Choose from a chemical or physical form of sunscreen or pick a moisturizer that comes with UV protection.
Be Mindful of What You Eat
Improper diet can cause hormonal imbalances, which can lead to breakouts. If possible, try to limit the number of refined sugars, flour, and processed food you consume. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables offers your skin vitamins. The proper amount of vitamins can help even skin tone. Make sure also to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Be Patient
When it comes to skin care, the most important thing to remember is that there is no quick fix for an uneven skin tone. It typically takes at least 30 to 90 days of consistent skin care treatment before seeing any progress – so do not give up!
If you are interested in seeking out professional treatments for your skin concerns, give us a call today at (669) 219-1790.